At freedom factory we have experienced witnessed the explosive results of entrepreneurs aligning passion and purpose to create extraordinary value.
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator".#business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 25, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator".
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell
How are Brokers Different from Investment Bankers?
Transcript of Podcast
Hey, it's Robert from Freedom Factory. I want to talk to you about a little pain point that we have in our business, and it's a business valuation calculator. People look at real estate and tools like Zillow, or they look at Kelly blue book on cars and they say, why don't you have a business valuation calculator?
You've been doing this for so long, and the reality is we'd love to. Problem is it's hard. And so there are a couple of really good baselines, like revenue and earnings and we can talk about guidelines and what that looks like but what makes us so hard to do is you can take two businesses, same revenue, same earnings, worth vastly different multiples. Literally two, three X each other, not even close. And that's because of the intangibles.
There's so many things to a business - intellectual property, defensibility software that really make it a more complex discussion than just, Hey, what are your earnings and you're worth five times that hypothetically. Now we're working with it. It's probably a little early to talk about it, but we're working with an amazing company to solve this problem and we're going to have a solution soon. But in the interim, if you have any questions about how do you maximize the value of your business or what your business is worth, why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
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Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How Can I Live My Best Life by Selling My Business". Listen to the podcast or watch the video here
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 20, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "When Should I Tell Employees if I am Thinking About Selling". #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 20, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Big Mistakes Sellers Make Before Selling Your Business".#business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 18, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "The Art and Science of Selling Your Business." #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 15, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "The Art and Science of Selling Your Business".
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business?
Can I Sell My Business By Myself or do I Need Help?
Transcript of Podcast
Probably the most frequently asked question that I get is how do you determine the selling price of your business? And the reality is its part art and part science. I'll go over some of the science, then I'll go over a little bit of the art, and again, experience goes a long way.
Coming back to the science part of it, some of the really easy pieces are are what's your earnings? Earnings is often expressed in EBITDA or your earnings before income tax depreciation and amortization. We convert that into seller’s discretionary cash flow for all of our clients. And again, when you're paying your taxes, EBITDA is a game of minimization. The discretionary cash flow is a game of maximization or accurately reflecting all the cash flow that your business generates.
You're also going to have things like industry multiples, and sometimes there's little nuance things like if your e-commerce business versus a fulfilled by Amazon business, you're going to get a really different multiple. So we want to make sure to position it the right way. Some of the other things, industry codes, we had a client and the name of their business was excavation.
Turns out that excavation companies are valued at two to two and a half plus assets. When I say two to two and a half, that's a multiple of earnings. Will construction companies of that size are about four and a half to five. And it turned out that although they started as an excavation company, over 80% of their revenues came as a construction company.
So we repositioned it and that helped the industry code. But whatever we do with all these numbers, we make sure to look at market comparable and what's the market looking like? What are the best sales that we can hang our hat on? How does a bank value it? Is it going to be an SBA type business? And now all of a sudden we're starting to get into the art.
My name's Robert Hirsch, and I'm the founder here at Freedom Factory. All we do is help entrepreneurs sell businesses. That's 100% of our life. When I wake up in the morning, I'm looking at market comps, I'm looking at sales, I'm looking at, okay, how do we maximize the sales price of our business and really work as a partner?
So. Whether you're a physical company that's been around for 20 years or a digital company that's been around for two, we're going to look at all the science and combine it with the art to help you maximize your sales price. Give us a, call it Freedom Factory today. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
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Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How to Buy a Business When You Don't Have the Cash". #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 13, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How to Buy a Business When You Don't Have the Cash".
listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in YPO (Young Presidents' Organization)
Transcript of Podcast
Hi, Robert from Freedom Factory here. And I want to talk to you about a question that we get from buyers of a lot, which is, well, what if I don't have $1 million check to write? And the reality is most of us don't have $1 million check to write, but how do you buy a business if you don't have $1 million check? And that's what we're going to jump into today.
So it's my personal belief that small businesses are the most undervalued asset class on the entire planet. If you're buying a stock and you're buying it at a 30 times multiple or 30 times price to earnings ratio, which is the value of the company.
When you're looking at a small business, you're looking at three to five times multiple, which obviously is significantly different than the stock market. If you have a special set of skills, which is how do you run a small business, there couldn't be a more undervalued asset class, and I think the opportunities are limitless.
And I think one of the big reasons that many people don't consider buying it is they say, well, I don't have $1 million check to write. And that's true for most of us. And so let me talk to you about some options. There there are many more, but I'm just going to go into some early ones. Most businesses sell with some sort of seller financing, especially if the seller believes in their business.
So sometimes you'll have a 30% note, 50% note, sometimes an 80% note to the seller. And what that means is the seller is carrying a note of the financing or carrying part of the financing on the business, and it's secured by the business. So if you didn't make the payments on that note, the seller would come back and take their asset, and that's okay with them.
So usually we see some sort of seller financing, and obviously there's no bank requirements, no prequalification. All the seller has to do is say yes. Another option that we do is we've been selling businesses for an of a long time. And so we have several relationships with SBA lenders across the country.
And usually, we can get a go or no-go in 24 to 48 hours. And if a business is a good SBA business or small business administration, which essentially is a government-subsidized loan, then it can give you up to 80% of the value. So you can buy $1 million company with a check of only a few hundred thousand dollars. That's a great way to go as well.
I've even taken over a business where I have not spent any money out of pocket and people say, well, why would you do that? It was a tea business and as some of you know, I used to work in the search engine industry and had an early search engine in Silicon Valley and I was considered a search engine expert 10 years ago in my career. Well, there was a tea company that acquired all their customers through search engine optimization. And so they wanted to work with me, but I wasn't willing to write them a check. So I took over the business. I didn't even make a payment for the first six months to make sure it would work, and I eventually bought it and I didn't even write a check for a penny out of pocket. All I did was fund the operating capital needs of the company.
So there are lots of ways that you can buy a business without writing $1 million check. In fact, most of the businesses aren't one buyer and one seller writing a seven or eight-figure check. And there's lots of ways to be able to do that. Of course, you can raise investment, you can syndicate, there's lots of options.
And if you have any questions about what's the best way to either buy a seller finance business or what makes a great candidate for an SBA business. Why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory? If you've even thought about buying a business, there's never been a better time than there is today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
Available on Youtube:
Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "What Are the Types of Business Buyers".#business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 11, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "What Are the Types of Business Buyers".
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21
What Type Of Contract Do I Need To Sell My Business?
Transcript of Podcast
Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I just had this really interesting question, and it was from a buyer of a business. And in one of my other videos I was talking about different kinds of buyers, right? There's first-time buyers, entrepreneurial buyers, strategic buyers, and we'll go into a whole host of them. But, but he said, well, what kind of buyer am I? I'm not sure. And I made the joke, I said, well, that means you're a first-time buyer. He was actually a serial entrepreneur and we got a good kick out of it. But I wanted to talk about the different types of buyers for businesses. And this is important not just to buyers, but to sellers because we're going to have different campaigns for different styles of buyers.
So let's talk about the first one. And this is what I affectionately refer to as the first time buyer. These are people that traditionally leaving the corporate world. They've got a great education and they're saying, should I buy a business or should I buy a franchise? And sometimes franchises look good to people coming from the corporate world because they have systems and processes and they sell franchises often sell on fear. They say, well, you can't get a big account if you're not part of a national company with a national marketing campaign, you're going to get a really big leg up.
In my experience, that hasn't been true. We've sold a lot of franchisees in the past. But the reality is when someone makes a decision for you, they're not making a decision based upon the sign behind you or the name they want you. And so if you're a sign maker and they go to a national sign franchise, they're not going to say, well, that sign franchise is great signs.
They'll go with them. They say, you know, Robert, I really trust you and I think you can make a kick-butt sign for me. Let's do this. And so I often recommend to my corporate kind of people making the big transition and the big jump to look at businesses that have been around for a long history, that have a great track record and great sales and really good systems and processes. So that makes a transition as easy as possible. But that's really the first time buyer. And so businesses like that service businesses are great, product businesses are good, but ultimately you want something where your skillset is really going to add to the business.
The second type of buyer is serial entrepreneurs like me and I’ve been doing this for 29 years. I've been in every business I can think of, and some have gone well and some haven't, but overall more have done well than haven't. And I usually transition every two to five years. A lot of entrepreneurs, you do your best and let's say you're going to 100% a year or 150% a year, and all of a sudden you dropped a 10 or 15% and it turns more operational. For me, when it gets operational, there are people better suited to it than me, so I'm happy to sell it to them and get in something where I can be more strategic.
And so as an entrepreneur or a serial entrepreneur, I like to look for strategic businesses where you can really dramatically shift the line, maybe something where you're buying it fairly inexpensively and someone owns a job and doesn't own a business. I talk about the difference between that, but the bottom line is if you don't know if you own a job or a business, you just stopped showing up.
And if the revenue goes up, you own a business. If it goes down, you own a job. And there's a lot of value to be created. Transitioning people owning jobs into owning businesses. Other strategic buyers like that, if for example, let's say you came out of an industry that you have a lot of connections in and you can really leverage it in this next business. I've seen entrepreneurs buy businesses for five times earnings. So let's just say in this example, it's $1 million and it throws $200,000 200,000 times five is a million dollars, and that's its market cap or what it's worth. And they buy it and they can pay it off and sometimes is as quickly as three or four months.
We had a travel technology business. The guy came out of the travel technology space. He made three calls. All of a sudden he's on Orbitz, Expedia, and Travelocity, and the business has grown six X in a fraction of a year. Amazing things can be done there, and that's kind of the entrepreneurial or the strategic buyer.
We also have the financial buyer, which is private equity or venture capital, and they can be buying it for different reasons. They can buy it as a standalone. The good news is I love dealing with private equity and venture capital groups because usually they have a set of deal criteria. They're very specific on, they're looking forward to meet five criteria. We need to have debt to equity of this. We need to have earnings of this. We need to be able to buy it on these terms. And if your business fits that buyer, it's usually a very quick and smooth transaction. No fundraising, no SBA loans, nothing along those lines.
But sometimes when you're a seller, you want to put yourself in the buyer's shoes. So for example, we've helped private equity groups do roll-ups, and what a roll up is you buy a company, maybe that's at the center of it. We did a roll up business in the software as a service space. They would buy it for the customer set and for the software. And then they buy the three major competitors, and let's say they're doing $1 million in earnings, so $1 million in earnings, and let's say in this multiple, they're probably doing four maybe five times that earning. So the cap is with four or 5 million.
Well, if you stick those three companies together, now a company doing 3 million might be worth six to seven. So what they bought for 12 million all of a sudden is worth 20 million. So that type of financial engineering is usually going to come from a financial buyer or private equity or venture capital group.
The final buyer is a strategic buyer and strategic buyers are you usually buying for a few things? Right? They're buying gross margin because that margin if they're acquiring more than 80% of the company, goes directly into their financials, but sometimes they're buying to either Aqua hire, meaning they're trying to get the people and the skillset and being able to do that. We just saw that recently with one of our deals.
We've also seen the financial buyer, the strategic buyer come in and buy companies because they just wanted to own it. For example, recently a ski rack manufacturer bought a rooftop tent manufacturer and the ski rack manufacturer was a hundred times bigger. Certainly could have reversed engineered these tents, but they wanted the people, the skillset, and they wanted their customer base.
And the great news about strategic buyers, they're usually less worried about the multiple of earnings and they're more worried about buying a great company. So if you're not sure what type of buyer you are, just go through it and figure out which one fits best. And if you have questions on this or anything even similar to it, just give us a call at Freedom Factory and please hit like and subscribe.
Thank you so much for spending your valuable time with us and we'll see you soon. Please like and subscribe.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
Available on Youtube:
Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage".#business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 8, 2020
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage".
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21
Caution: What is the Trap of the Working Wealthy?
Transcript of Podcast
Hey, it's Robert from Freedom Factory here, and if you're a member of Vistage and you want to sell your business, I'd love to talk to you about that. So you obviously realize that executive coaching and peer learning groups can be a big advantage in your growth. There are really two things that have helped underpin my entrepreneurial success.
One is having a peer learning group, and second is having a mentor and really learning how to groom that mentor-mentee relationship. And if you think back to school or university, those were the two things that you got, right? You had a peer learning group or your classmates and you had a teacher.
That type of structure can really allow you to grow and it's huge. Knowing how to groom that mentor and mentee relationship. When it comes to selling a business or buying a business, usually here will, I know somebody, but just because you know someone doesn't mean that it's the right person, or more importantly, how are they going to maximize the value of your biggest assets?
Here at Freedom Factory, all we do is help our fellow entrepreneurs buy and sell their companies. If you're looking to sell your business or you're looking to buy, or you have questions of how do I do the analysis or what is my business worth, or what does the market look like, or what is market timing or anything, why don't you, give us a call here at Freedom Factory?
We're all entrepreneurs and we only work with entrepreneurs to maximize the value of your biggest assets. I'm Robert Harish, and we look forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
Available on Youtube:
Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal
Everyday small company proprietors (sellers) make radical errors when offering their organisation as well as lose countless bucks while doing so. All their effort as well as lasting investment drops the drainpipe. These blunders are typically easily preventable. Tyler Tysdal Freedom Factory. As business owners, they had actually as soon as imagined possessing their own service and also developing it to successto gain the incentives in the form of a successful company sale.
As a business owner, I have actually constructed and offered 6 companies consisting of an automobile rental business, 2 mini-storage facilities, and also three stores. Currently, as a worldwide specialist audio speaker and also service expert, I aid various other local business proprietors attain this very same success. Right here are my 5 ideas to help you prevent service sale challenges, disappointment, and also shed money. business brokers.
It takes a standard of two to 4 years to sell a local business. As a result, long-lasting planning is essential to any type of effective organisation sale. By keeping updated documents, an in-depth service background and sales portfolio available in all times, it will certainly make your planning repay. You simply never recognize when that best buyer may walk right into your business and make you a deal you just can't reject.
Even if you do not have a follower that is a family member, you are still assuming like a sequence organizer. The individual "doing well" you requires to be set up for success. If they see you have actually been preparing and also considering this for quite a long time as well as that it's not a fast "I have actually had adequate" sale, your price will be much greater.
In my instance, I registered with the initial broker I consulted with. He felt like the perfect person to market my company. Besides, he had a history in retail (and also that was my market), he was pleasant as well as finest of all he generated a BIG cost tag.
By raising the cost he obtained me to sign the contract but never made the sale. After 6 lost months without even a lead, I lastly chose to proceed. Understanding from my blunder, I talked to 12 more brokers before authorizing an additional agreement. The brand-new broker had a much more reasonable technique and also began to bring me leads within the first month.
You are the ideal promoter for your organisation. Who knows your business much better than you? No one is much more determined, enthusiastic and educated about your service than you. A broker may be getting you some task, however it is very important that you proceed to advertise on your own also. After becoming aggravated that leads were not developing, I recognized that I had to be a promoter of my own organisation sale.
Exactly how was I mosting likely to do that? Where do I find people that would certainly want buying my sort of service? After I brainstormed for concepts, I uncovered a means to do this. Recognizing that my sales affiliates could make the initial contact with someone that had an interest in opening up a retail storeI went to the source.
I supplied a benefit to my sales partners to send me a purchaser. Tyler Tivis Tysdal. Promptly the phone began sounding as well as much more leads was available in. Within a couple of weeks, I had created such buzz that I had 3 different customers functioning on purchasing the organisation at the very same time. Retail is a hard businessmuch harder than individuals recognize.
The even more planning you put into your sale, the much better the price you will be able to get. Keep in mind that the possible buyer will certainly be extremely suspicious of your reason for marketing. Have your plan and also technique in position to eliminate any anxieties. Simply like you started your business with a strong strategy, offer it with a strong strategy also.
A lot of local business owner that have actually not turned a profit, or have capital issues, miss this remarkable chance. business brokers. Some reasons they miss out is due to shed energy and/or inspiration or due to the fact that they may not wish to admit loss or failing. Remember it is businessdon't bother with taking it directly.
An additional blunder is to value the company also low. Usually entrepreneur will price their business reduced due to the fact that they are worn out, experience an ailment or did not obtain great suggestions. Do your homework first. Pay attention to brokers and also consultants. Study concerning other service sales prior to leaping in with both feet.
This might not always be your BEST deal. Selling your business for top dollar with little or no cash down in addition to an extended agreement might lead you to shed it all. Company sales usually go negative after the new owner takes control of. The new owner may do not have organisation experience, have a closed mind or be a poor leader.
An effective local business owner makes it looks easy, but change that mix as well as disaster may strike. When this happens, the brand-new proprietor ends up going out of company as well as leaves the previous owner holding an empty bag. It distresses me to see an organisation fail after years of success as a result of this lack of service sale reasoning.
Ask yourself, is this the most effective person to get and also run my service? Or, can they promptly link with my client base and also discover exactly how to market efficiently? When the organisation sale goes as intended, it produces an incredible chance for both business proprietors as well as the success continues. Debbie Allen is the writer of "Admissions of Immoral Self Marketers as well as Skyrocketing Sales." She has actually been included in Entrepreneur, Selling Power and Sales & Advertising Quality.
Offering a local business is a complicated venture that includes numerous factors to consider. It can require that you enlist a broker, accountant and/or an attorney as you proceed. Whether you profit will certainly depend on the factor for the sale, the timing of the sale, the stamina of the business's operation and also its framework.
Assessing these seven considerations can help you develop a strong plan and also make negotiations a success. You have actually decided to market your organisation. Why? That is just one of the initial concerns a potential purchaser will ask. Proprietors generally offer their services for any one of the following reasons: RetirementPartnership disputesIllness or deathBecoming overworkedBoredom Some owners think about selling the organisation when it is not lucrative, yet this can make it tougher to attract customers.
There are lots of characteristics that can make your business show up extra appealing, consisting of: Increasing profitsConsistent revenue figuresA solid consumer baseA major contract that extends several years Get ready for the sale as very early as feasible, preferably a year or 2 in advance. The preparation will assist you to enhance your monetary records, organisation structure, as well as client base to make the business a lot more successful.
Next off, you'll intend to establish the worth of your organisation to see to it you do not price it also high or also reduced. Locate an organisation evaluator to obtain a evaluation. The appraiser will attract up an in-depth description of the company's worth. The record will certainly bring credibility to the asking cost and can offer as a gauge for your listing rate.
It's likewise the very best course when the sale is to a trusted relative or present employee. In various other conditions, a broker can help liberate time for you to keep business up and running, or keep the sale peaceful and get the highest possible cost (because the broker will intend to maximize his/her commission).
Gather your financial statements and also tax returns going back three to four years as well as review them with an accountant. On top of that, establish a list of equipment that's being marketed with the service. Additionally, produce a checklist of calls associated with sales deals and products, and also dig up any type of appropriate documentation such as your current lease.
Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business". #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness
— Freedom Factory (@FreedomFactory7) May 4, 2020
Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business".
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.
Additional Videos From Freedom Factory
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21
How do I Approach a Competitor to Buy My Business?
Transcript of Podcast
Hey, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. Sometimes we get so lost in our own nomenclature and vernacular and what we say in our industry, terminology that we forget that everybody doesn't know it. And a question that keeps coming up is, what is seller's discretionary cash flow? And when you go to sell your business here at Freedom Factory, one of the many things that we do is we recast your financials from taxes where you're playing a game of minimization to sellers to discretionary cashflow, where you're playing a game of maximization.
And some people say, well, isn't that two sets of books? Isn't that illegal? That's not it at all. What we do is we take your tax returns and we add in every allowable tax deduction that a new seller might not have to do. Maybe they don't have to take their board meetings in Europe and maybe they don't have to pay for their Ferrari and their vehicles and you know, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
There's also a lot of non-cash expenses like depreciation and amortization. That's value that your business creates, and we want to make sure before we apply the multiple that we apply the multiple to the seller's discretionary cash flow as opposed to the EBIDTA. In some companies, this can make a difference. of 20, 30 sometimes even 50% and if you can get 50% more for your business, why wouldn't you do it?
At Freedom Factory, we specialize in helping sellers get the biggest check of their life. If you need any help with any of this, please give us a call. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
Best Business Brokers - video portfolio
Available on Youtube:
Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.
About Tyler Tysdal